
Hypothyroidism is when body produces insufficient thyroid hormone.

• Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism of the body.

• Thyroid hormone affects nearly every part of your body, from your heart brain, to your muscles and skin.

• Common symptoms of Hypothyroidism are; weight gain, lethargy, muscle pain, mood swings, slow heart rate, changes in menstrual cycle.

• Diagnostic criteria is raised serum TSH levels.

• Thyroid deficiency (Hypothyroidism) is balanced by supplementing with thyroid tablets (eltroxin).

• Healthy eating and exercise habits to be maintained to avoid weight gain and nutritional deficiencies.

• Discontinuation of the treatment or not taking the required dose of thyroid supplement affects heart, brain, kidneys and other vital organs.

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• Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid over produces hormones.

• Common symptoms include weight loss, weakness, irregular heartbeat, and difficulty sleeping.

• Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid makes too much T4, T3, or both.

• Common treatment is to give medications which stop the thyroid from making hormones.

• Regular monitoring of the thyroid levels is important for adjusting the dosage of medications.

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• Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition in which a woman’s levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance.

• This leads to the growth of ovarian cysts (benign masses on the ovaries).

• PCOS can cause problems with a women’s menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and appearance.

• Erratic lifestyle and obesity are one of the main reasons for PCOD.

• The most common characteristic of PCOS is irregular menstrual periods. Other symptoms are weight gain, thinning of hair, acne, hoarseness of voice, facial hair.

• PCOS is diagnosed with the help of sonography report.

• Treatment involves adapting healthy lifestyle.

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• A goiter is an abnormal enlargement of your thyroid gland.

• Although goiters are usually painless, a large goiter can cause a cough and make it difficult for you to swallow or breathe.

• The most common cause of goiters worldwide is a lack of iodine in the diet.

• Common symptoms are A visible swelling at the base of your neck, Coughing, Hoarseness, Difficulty swallowing.

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• Viral thyroiditis caused due to an immune reaction of the thyroid gland.

• Thyroiditis includes a group of disorders that cause the thyroid to become inflamed.

• The most obvious symptom of subacute thyroiditis is pain in the neck caused by a swollen and inflamed thyroid gland.

• The inflamed thyroid gland may release too much thyroid hormone, causing symptoms of hyperthyroidism. As the thyroid gland heals, it may release too little hormone, causing symptoms of hypothyroidism.

• Common symptoms of subacute thyroiditis include fatigue, weakness, and fever, difficulty swallowing.

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